Subtitles : Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation (2022)

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation

Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation

5/10 IMDB

2h 22m Runtime

2022 Year

September 24, 2022 (United States)

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They skip on the special effects, not sure how much budget they had for this movie but i have seen all 3 of them, and the special effects will make you cringe.I guess this is why i am more a fan of the animation series and movie than the live movies.The live movies are not all that bad, the story is good, lots of things are going on, but sometimes it's hard to get past the bad special effects.I really hope if they do decide to remake theses movie they put more budget on the special effects and CGI to actually make it believable.Some of the effects with monster have the bad quality of the asylum movies which is very sad.

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