Subtitles : United Skates Documentary (2015)

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United Skates Documentary

United Skates Documentary

0/10 IMDB

N/A Runtime

2015 Year


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It took nearly thirty years for mainstream America to discover the brilliance of jazz. Similarly, blues, R&B, and hip-hop were met with prejudice before being recognized for their artistic brilliance. Looking at the recurring pattern of struggle for acceptance faced by African American artists, UNITED SKATES follows the next artistic movement still undiscovered by the American mainstream as they endure the same prejudice and stereotyping as jazz, a century ago. Currently in the African American community, there is an underground social and artistic movement hitting roller rinks. It is a fusing of hip-hop dance styles such as "breaking" and "animating" with the speed of old school quad roller skates. This documentary will use the talent and cool-factor of this world to break down the stereotypes these skaters are battling in order to simply do what they love.

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