Subtitles : 90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)

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90 Minutes in Heaven

90 Minutes in Heaven

4/10 IMDB

121 min Runtime

2015 Year

11 Sep 2015

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Based on a true story. A man was in a car crash and was in the car, without a pulse for an hour and a half, while EMT's and police waited for the coroner to pronounce him dead before he can be moved. A man comes along, who feels led to pray for the victim, gets in the car and starts to pray while singing praise songs. The 'dead' man starts singing along and EMT's confirm he now has a pulse. The victim fights his recovery, as he is angry that he was in heaven, only to have God bring him back in incredible pain. Was there a purpose to his return to earth?

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    90 minutes in heaven (2015)